Before I begin, I'd like to wish you all a happy new year, as 2019 will be a big year, in both good and bad ways.
Now, you may or may not be in favor of migration to Europe and other western countries, although I think we can both agree that illegal immigration has a highly negative impact on western society to say at the very least.
Illegal immigrants are often referred to by many different names including “the undocumented”, “illegal aliens”, “illegal invaders”, “illegals”, undocumented immigrants, unauthorized immigrants, immigrants, refugees, etc.
Due to the political influences in the media, the term illegal immigrants has been widely disapproved, and in some cases, censored by the press which has shown a consistent bias in favor of illegal immigrants and amnesty for illegals.
They are people that make the decision to violate a nation’s laws to enter for their own wants, needs, or gains. While some illegal immigrants are brought here as children, they are still illegal immigrants and subject to deportation, along with the adults or relatives that brought them in illegally.
Illegal immigrants often take jobs and taxpayer resources away from native-born Americans and legal immigrants.
Illegal immigrant supporters often mislabel them as “immigrants” in an effort to further the social, legal, economic, and political plans of those fostering in America.
However, most legal immigrants find that practice insulting because illegal immigrants have chosen to not go through the processes legal immigrants endure which includes criminal and terrorism background checks, medical screenings for communicable diseases, fees, taxes, and some proficiency in the English language.
Many of the problems caused by illegal immigration occur when illegal immigrants refuse to honor the laws of the nation they invade and refuse to assimilate to the practices, values, culture, and language of the nation they are trespassing upon.
Any form of appeasement, legal status, guest worker, or temporary worker program would only mean more and who knows how many illegal immigrants there are now, and how many there will be in the future if we don't take action against it.